Online OG English Therapy
I offer online OG English therapy sessions to meet the needs of those who have a long commute and hectic schedules; or for others that do not have a local certified dyslexia specialist. Having a trained and experienced OG specialist is the best thing you can do for your struggling reader.
Every part of the lesson, all the worksheets and activities are done 1-on-1 during a real-time internet session. Students interact with me, mark pages, write words and sentences. Kinesthetic learners can use tools that allow them to move letter tiles on the screen, just as they would for a face to face session.
Online OG English works best for students in grades 3 and higher. If possible, I will meet with your child in person for an informal assessment and observation to decide if your child will benefit from online therapy sessions. I am also able to meet with your child for a face-to-face session periodically in between our online sessions if needed.
The following is required in order for your child to receive effective online OG English therapy:
Combo 1 (preferred option)
laptop or desktop with high-speed internet OR iPhone with FaceTime
installed Zoom software (free) for our virtual classroom
iPad with Apple Pencil (as all materials will be loaded on a real-time interactive whiteboard), OR any combination of devices that is comfortable for your child to perform writing on the screen
headphones with microphone​ for quality interaction if needed
Combo 2
laptop or desktop with high-speed internet
installed Zoom software (free) for our virtual classroom
writing tablet with stylus for writing on a shared “virtual” whiteboard OR document camera to capture actual writing on paper
headphones with microphone​ for quality interaction if needed
I offer a free 30-minute consultation where I can demonstrate some of the fun tools that we can use during our online sessions. It also ensures that both me and your child have the right hardware and software for our OG sessions.